Who We Are

Join us in making a difference and nurturing a generation of eco-champions!

Welcome to SETTST (Save Earth Today To Survive Tomorrow)

Empowering the Next Generation of Eco-Leaders

Inspire, Educate, and Transform your School into a Sustainable Haven


At SETTST, we believe that every school has the power to make a positive impact on the environment and shape a sustainable future. We are dedicated to partnering with UK infants, primary, and secondary schools to introduce interactive workshops and presentations that explore eco-friendly initiatives and provide practical strategies for implementation within the educational environment.

Our Expertise

With years of experience in sustainability education, we have curated a comprehensive program designed to engage students, empower educators, and foster a culture of sustainability within schools. Our workshops and presentations cover a range of key topics, including:

1. Sustainable Energy: Discover innovative ways to reduce energy consumption, embrace renewable energy sources, and engage students in energy-saving practices. Inspire your school community to be mindful of their energy use and become champions of sustainable energy.

2. Waste Management: Explore creative recycling programs, waste reduction strategies, and the importance of responsible waste management. Help your students understand the impact of their actions and develop a sense of responsibility towards waste management.

3. Green Spaces: Transform your school grounds into vibrant green spaces that enhance biodiversity, foster a connection with nature, and provide hands-on learning opportunities. Discover the benefits of school gardens and outdoor classrooms while nurturing a love for the environment.

4. Sustainable Transportation: Promote eco-friendly commuting options, encourage walking and cycling initiatives, and explore the benefits of public transportation. Inspire your school community to make conscious choices that reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable transportation alternatives.

5. Curriculum Integration: Integrate sustainability and environmental education across various subjects, aligning with national curriculum guidelines. Encourage students to develop critical thinking skills and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness between humans and the environment.

Why Choose SETTST? 

✅ Tailored Approach: 

We understand that each school is unique, and our workshops and presentations can be customized to meet your specific needs and interests. We collaborate with you to ensure the content aligns with your school's vision and values.

✅ Experienced Facilitators: 

Our team of experienced educators and sustainability experts are passionate about inspiring young minds and empowering them to become change-makers. We create engaging, interactive sessions that leave a lasting impact.

✅ Practical Strategies:

We go beyond theory by providing practical strategies that schools can implement immediately. From actionable steps to long-term sustainability plans, we guide you in making tangible changes.

✅ Positive Impact:

By embracing sustainable practices, your school will not only reduce its environmental footprint but also create a culture of environmental stewardship. Instill values of responsibility, mindfulness, and compassion in your students, shaping them into future eco-leaders.

Let's Start Your Sustainable Journey

Together, let's create a brighter and greener future for the next generation. 

Subscribe today to schedule a workshop or presentation for your school. Our team is ready to collaborate with you in fostering a sustainable and environmentally conscious learning environment.